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What happens when you inherit a house in NC?

Inheriting a house is one of the few big surprises that life brings us sometimes. But what happens when you inherit a house in NC? As much as you may want to keep an inherited house, sometimes you may be forced to consider putting it up for sale. Well, selling an inherited house can be … Continued

Is Hiring An Agent in Raleigh REALLY Worth It?

For many people, when they think about selling their houses, the first thing they will do is look around for a local agent. Agents can be a wonderful asset when selling your house, however, it is not the only strategy you should consider. By doing a little homework, you can successfully sell your house on … Continued

Selling Your House Without An Agent in NC

We live in a world where everyone does everything without expensive expert service providers. People trade stocks without a stockbroker. People create wills and trusts without attorneys. Many even remodel homes without contractors. As independent as everyone is, why wouldn’t you want to look at the benefits of selling your house without an agent in … Continued

How To Sell Your Home Fast In Raleigh NC

Real estate markets fluctuate — sometimes they are really hot and there are so many buyers that sellers will list a property and it gets snapped up the same day. Sometimes markets are kind of soft, which means a house might stay on a listing for weeks or even months without getting any offers! Homeowners … Continued

Why Won’t My House Sell In Raleigh ?

You’re trying to sell a Raleigh NC house that just won’t sell? And yet – the news says the real estate market is heating up. The media is practically shouting again about multiple offers, high demand, and record-setting prices. So where’s your contract? These tips could be just what you need to help you sell your Raleigh … Continued

Foreclosure notice of default in NC– what is it?

If you’ve gotten a foreclosure notice of default and want to know what the heck is going on, keep reading. Basically, a foreclosure notice of default is a document that has to be filed by a lender to start the process of foreclosure. The foreclosure notice of default must be sent to anyone who has … Continued
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